DESIRE partners DESIRE partners










Information leaflet Information leaflet


The European project DESIRE (Disseminating Educational Science, Innovation and Research in Europe) develops models of diffusion and exploitation to ease the spreading of science education projects results to teachers.

The DESIRE project is carried out by European Schoolnet together with, INDIRE (Agenzia Nazionale per lo Sviluppo dell'Autonomia Scolastica), Universitat Autonoma de Barcelona, Dansk Naturvidenskabsformidling and Ecsite (The European Network of Science Centres and Museums) and funded under the European Commission’s Lifelong Learning Programme (DG Education and Culture).

The primary objective is to identify how new project results on methods and practices in science education can reach teachers and schools more efficiently.  The project started in December 2011 and will run for two years.

We invite science teachers, STEM professionals, science project planners, policy-makers, organisers of science events and organisers of activities and expositions in museums to tell about their experience in accessing or disseminating tools and methods that have helped know about project results. The sharing of practical experience will help us identify the best practise dissemination models for project results. DESIRE will ensure that more teachers throughout Europe will have access to inspiring methods and tools they can integrate in their teaching practices.

Members of the Desire team
Members of the Desire consortium.


Why have better accesses to new project results?
As a teacher in science education, STEM professional or policy-maker in Europe, you are at the heart of the efforts to encourage and intellectually stimulate more young students to become engineers, mathematician and scientists to respond to the need of researchers and science professionals in Europe. To achieve this goal, access to results of research project fostering innovation and change in STEM education is essential to support the efforts of the key formal and informal education stakeholders.

Engineers and scientists contribute to technological innovation in the market place and this way contributes to a higher economic growth new jobs creation.  Engineers and scientists are also essential to overcome some of today’s biggest challenges such as: securing clean energy supply, sustaining natural resources and tackling the challenges associated with climate change.

Why participate?
The DESIRE project offers


  • information on how to access useful STEM education project results;
  • access to project results and STEM education tools that you can share with your colleagues;
  • the possibility to meet new colleagues from all over Europe through our online discussion events;
  • the opportunity to make your voice heard by policy-makers and have influence on future communication strategies to teachers;
  • access to dissemination expert knowledge.

Project managers:

  • knowledge on how to create wider dissemination for your projects;
  • access to catalogue of best models of diffusion and exploitation for STEM education research results to ensure visibility and sustainability of your project;
  • the opportunity to make your voice heard by policy-makers and have influence on future communication strategies to teachers;
  • access to dissemination expert knowledge;
  • the possibility to meet new colleagues from all over Europe though our online communities.


  • knowledge on how to make better use of available resources and knowledge that can help teachers;
  • overview on how to better implement systems of dissemination of project results to teachers and schools in your (national, regional or/and local) educational system.

Organisers of STEM events and activities:

  • knowledge on how to create wider dissemination for your activities and events;
  • access to project results and STEM education tools;
  • the opportunity to make your voice heard by policy-makers and have influence on future communication strategies;
  • access to dissemination expert knowledge;
  • the possibility to meet new colleagues from all over Europe though our online communities.

To participate register and join our online discussion events.
We are looking forward to your participation!