How to participate How to participate

1. Go to the Desire registration form.

  • If you already have you EUN OpenID (you are registered on one ofthe EUN portals), you can re-use it: click on "Reuse an existing EUN OpenID".
  • If you don't have yet an EUN OpenID, click on "Create a new EUN OpenID" to create one.

2. Follow the instructions in the registration form and fill it in.

3. You will receive an email with your username soon after completing the form.

4. Sign-in on the Desire portal with your username and password.

5. Go to the Online events.

Should you have any problems registering, contact Xenia.

DESIRE Online Discussion Events DESIRE Online Discussion Events

Welcome to our online discussion events! The online discussion events are used to facilitate the sharing of experiences between participants in the DESIRE project. The online discussion events are organised in five categories which correspond to the five target groups of the project, namely: project managers, teachers, policy-makers, organisers of science events and organisers of activities and expositions in museums.
Each forum category is composed of four separated discussion events of 3-days.

The topics of the four sessions for each of the mentioned target groups are as follow:

  • 1st event: How much information from European and national science education projects results do you receive? How are you informed of these results usually?
  • 2nd event: What do you know about specific European and national projects? By means of which strategies have you been informed of these results? What impact do these results have in your practice?
  • 3rd event: Discussing preliminary results of the DESIRE project and collecting feedback from participants
  • 4th event: Discussing recommendations for more effective dissemination strategies.
Pre-subscription for upcoming online discussion events Pre-subscription for upcoming online discussion events