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Meet the expert - Elisabetta Tola Meet the expert - Elisabetta Tola

Elisabetta Tola has a PhD in Microbiology and an MA in Science Communication at SISSA, Trieste, Italy. She is a lecturer in science communication, multimedia, radio production and in data journalism in various journalism schools and courses.

 She is co-founder of the science communication agency formicablu, in Bologna and Roma, where she coordinates projects exploring cross-media tools in science communication. She has been one of the presenters of the daily science programme Radio3Scienza on RAI Radio 3 since 2005. Elisabetta is currently involved in the production of the weekly science programme PiGreco Party, on air and in podcast since 2004 on Radio Città del Capo, Bologna. 

In 2010, she worked on seismic risk prevention, producing the docu-fiction Non chiamarmi terremoto. Her recent interest include data journalism and communication of agro-biodiversity.

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Opening questions
Opening questions
2012-07-23 10:13
Before going in more detailed topics, let's start with two open questions to get an initial input from you:

1. What is your science diet information composed of? How do you get the latest results in research? Where do you look for science contents to use in your work?

2. Which kind of tools do you mainly use?
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RE: Opening questions - from ELI
2012-07-23 11:22 as a reply to Didier Laval.
Hi all,

we thought that a quick set of opening questions might help us take off in this discussion. I'd be very interested in understanding how, give that everyone has to deal with many things at a time, you find time and ways to get science informations, particularly how do you keep up to date with the latest findings in the fields of your interest.

But maybe, before, it would be useful to understand whether you do cover different fields in your own activities or if you stick to one scientific area. In the forme case, how do you manage in moving between areas and how do you collect information and get new contents?

Please, do reply to this thread if you are interested in discussing this issue with us.

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RE: Opening questions - from ELI
2012-07-23 12:00 as a reply to Elisabetta Tola.
Hi all,
Every morning, I use mainly social media and web search engine (twitter, scoopit...). I also follow a few blogs.
However, I see no main reference site as our field include science, education, communication, museums, art, technology...
I am often lost in all the articles I have to browse. Do you have good main web references?
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RE: Opening questions - from ELI
2012-07-23 12:26 as a reply to Des Spolse.
Hallo Des,

thanks for posting!

Well, one single good reference is difficult to identify, I suppose.

We might see what other people in the COP can suggest, hopefully they'll come up with useful links and sources of information.

To me, as a journalist, a good aggregate source, for instance, is AlphaGalileo, as well as Eurekalert. Bot of them usually display the latest in science publications by means of press releases and multimedia materials. But they are more useful for science writers, I suppose, than for other professionals involved in the organisation of science events as well as in the publication of school books.

I'd rather be curious to hear what the others have to suggest, hereafter.
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RE: Opening questions - from ELI
2012-07-23 14:07 as a reply to Elisabetta Tola.
Personally, I get most stimuli on scientific current affairs through social media (Facebook), where most of my contacts share this interest with me. Whenever I feel like focusing on a specific topic, though, I turn to good old books. In fact I seldom have the urge to peer at the endless frontiers of science; more often, I look for solid, stratified information, that I cannot find on the web. Slow information, I guess, is my model.

When it comes to work, instead, I need to check information quickly, or get inspired: here the web helps wonderfully.

Participating to seminars, symposium and the like is also a great way to collect information. Unfortunately, you can't always make it... I just missed ICCE ECRICE last week, because of deadlines. Now I wish there was a way to have a quick access to the proceedings.

Teaching in a science communication school is also a key to how I stay in touch with what's happening out there.

The products we work on cover biology, physics, geology and environmental science, mathematics, chemistry; their boundaries are set by the government (with a more or less specific equivalent TOC) but we talk a lot with teachers in order to have an idea of the real issues in the classroom. These are as important as the contents we cover.
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RE: Opening questions - from ELI
2012-07-23 15:15 as a reply to Elisabetta Tola.
Dear all,

good questions. Personally, I am interested in various fields of research: museums, science communication, sociology of science, geography of science. Here is what I do to keep up to date:

- check the main journals in my fields (i.e. museum&society, museum management and curatorship; science communication, public understanding of science, science as culture; science technology and human values, social studies of science...)
- attend conferences or browse through CFP or conference programs
- check for key words on Scholar Google, WOS, Scopus, ...
- very important, of course: talk to people
- look through blogs and newspapers
- regularly check what my colleagues are up to and/or important academic departments in my field
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RE: Opening questions - from ELI
2012-07-23 15:55 as a reply to Morgan Meyer.
thanks everybody for your first answers,

we have posted some more questions in two new threads, specifically one on the web sources and the other on direct communications with the scientific community.

would you like to continue there our discussion? please move to those two threads to get into more detail on web and science community direct contacts
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