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Meet the expert - Elisabetta Tola Meet the expert - Elisabetta Tola

Elisabetta Tola has a PhD in Microbiology and an MA in Science Communication at SISSA, Trieste, Italy. She is a lecturer in science communication, multimedia, radio production and in data journalism in various journalism schools and courses.

 She is co-founder of the science communication agency formicablu, in Bologna and Roma, where she coordinates projects exploring cross-media tools in science communication. She has been one of the presenters of the daily science programme Radio3Scienza on RAI Radio 3 since 2005. Elisabetta is currently involved in the production of the weekly science programme PiGreco Party, on air and in podcast since 2004 on Radio Città del Capo, Bologna. 

In 2010, she worked on seismic risk prevention, producing the docu-fiction Non chiamarmi terremoto. Her recent interest include data journalism and communication of agro-biodiversity.

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Social networks as source of information
martha fabbri:
Personally, I get most stimuli on scientific current affairs through social media (Facebook), where most of my contacts share this interest with me.

Facebook, Twitter, Newsletters

which one of the above, or other social networking tools, you prefer to use, if any?

twitter has the limit of allowing you only 140 characters and to keep an archive of only 2 weeks, more or less. but it's fast, and does not require your personal involvement in the conversation. do you use it within your workflow? and how? do you follow specific people who are reference point in your work?

for instance, during the recent CERN seminar on the Higgs boson, there was a parallel stream of Tweets commeting the talks, the presented results, the numbers, even the emotions showed by the CERN scientists. Did you by any chance follow the event in that way? Was it adding something to the information you were getting officially from CERN?

Facebook has now million of users. Do you think that it works as an efficient tool to discuss things with scientists, researchers and with your own colleagues while preparing an event or collecting information for a book?
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